Budokon Yoga is a great way to challenge yourself if you are looking to take your yoga to the next level as it can be sweat dripping, fat melting and a really physically challenging session as it encourages you to use every muscle in your body, so no slacking off in downward dog! It is also great for beginners who are looking to create some flexibility and core strength. Budokon is great because it can be modified or intensified to suit everyones needs.
I have been practicing Budokon for a year now. I am a Certified Budokon Yoga instructor.
To read more on the art of Budokon and to learn these challenging Budokon moves that will melt your fat and tone your body pick up the October issue of Health & Fitness or check out a Budokon class near you at Budokonuk.com with Sensei Ryan or at Sweatshopyoga with Sensei Kim.